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Tell them the whole story is true (The Marilyn Monroe and William Copper story)

According to one version, Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy died because they knew too much ... of UFO.

Night of November 5, 2001 Cooper ranch surrounded by police. The official reason given in the report, there have been complaints of local residents, Cooper allegedly threatened them with guns and intimidated them. The rancher alerted police that have fallen through his border will be shot on the spot. Thundered a few shots. American ufologist shot twice and was immediately killed. On one of his last press conference, he said: "If you have moved, then everyone who heard my speech will realize that all the stories told by me is true ...".

Why Marilyn killed William Cooper was not the first person who died because of trying to talk about "conspiracy of silence" that surrounded everything that related to the contract between the newcomers and U.S. presidents. The incomparable Marilyn Monroe - star of American cinema, first mistress of President John F. Kennedy and then his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, died, coming into contact with the mystery surrounding the aliens.

According to the journalist Andrei Volkov, President of one of the secret meetings inadvertently shared with his lover carefully hidden from all secret visit to the United States UFO. The actress remembered that after a scandal with Robert Kennedy August 3, 1962. Having to see him, she made ​​a violent scene, threatening that the next day will bring together a press conference and she'll tell reporters everything she knows. The day after, morning of August 4 Marilyn found dead in her home. The official version - "suicide". But none of the investigators and knowledgeable journalists could explain whence there was a bruise on the body of Marilyn in the pelvis, as if someone with the power held her to the bed knee, while the other is introduced to her a lethal injection. The mystery was revealed only after three years when the American Milo Perizlyu published sensational document, signed by James Angleton, who headed the CIA's counter-intelligence department. From this it followed that Marilyn Monroe was threatening to reveal secrets about UFOs journalists who learned from the president, and he paid for his carelessness.

People who have seen the mystery of UFOs are usually swallowed languages. For example, one of the slogans of the campaign Jimmy Carter was its release. But as president of the United States and learn more, Carter forgot his promise. Chronicle contacts What was the less well-kept secret aliens?

Let's go back to William Cooper. In 1991, in Moscow from Geneva visited the famous scientist, head of the Institute for Planetary Synthesis R.Shreyder. During a meeting with his Russian colleagues, held at the Museum of the outstanding Russian chemist Zelinsky, he familiarized the participants with the report of U. Kopera "secret government". Now, if I may say so, the main "milestones" path, which passed the U.S. president in his dealings with the aliens.

In 1947 the area of Roswell, alien ship is broken. Most of the crew were killed, but one survived. The newcomer was named EBE. Name suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush. Deciphered it as extraterrestrial biological entity. The body of EBE was based on chlorophyll. He turned to the energy consumption of writing, like a plant. It was from him the U.S. government has received information that helped to establish regular contact with the aliens. At the end of 1951 EBE became ill. All attempts by scientists to save him were unsuccessful, and in 1952 this alien died. November 4, 1952 a secret order of Truman created the "top-secret national security agency." His main task was to try to establish a dialogue with the aliens. At the same time management was to keep all the leading radio interception on land transfers, which related to aliens.

In 1953, the White House has lodged a new president, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. He became acquainted with the materials of the newcomers and decided to create a group of prominent scientists, politicians and industry representatives. The group was called "MJ-12." In the same year 1953 astronomers discovered large space objects moving along the direction of the Earth. In connection with this group of aliens made ​​contact with the U.S. government, warning them about the dangerous intentions.

In 1954, a group of aliens landed on a U.S. Air Force base Kollomen. There is evidence that they came from a planet orbiting a red star in the constellation of Orion. This planet is dying, and after a while will become uninhabitable. During negotiations, agreement was reached on a meeting with U.S. President Eisenhower, which occurred on another Air Force Base - Edwards. The agreement between the U.S. president and the newcomers was signed. It is assumed that the aliens would not interfere in the affairs of earthlings and the United States - in their case. Stay of aliens on the planet will be kept confidential. They can temporarily steal a limited number of people for the purpose of medical examination, provided that they do not suffer and will be returned to them from where they were abducted. Instead, the aliens were to acquaint Americans with some elements of their technology and help implement them in the world.

During the negotiations, it was also agreed on the construction of underground bases for aliens and for sharing. The most famous of these was the base in Nevada, in the area known as the "S-4", about 7 kilometers from the area of the existing base of 51. All areas set aside for the newcomers had to be under the direction and control of Department of the Navy. On the construction of new underground bases required a lot of money. American presidents did not want to reveal the secret of the contract with the aliens. Funds needed to produce the other way. And, according to U. Kupera (he refers to the available documents), has been found out. Dirty Money In the United States begins a secret campaign to import and sell drugs. According to ufologist, the initiator of the receipt of funds was President George W. Bush, who until his election as head of the company, "Zapata Oil." To implement it, some departments were connected to the CIA. They forces large quantities of drugs from Latin America were delivered to the oil platforms of the company, and from there crossed into the United States. Not all presidents liked getting money by poisoning their own people. John F. Kennedy tried to stop the flow of drugs. This attempt ended in his assassination in Dallas, the organization of which some U.S. politicians accused the CIA. The charge was confirmed by former CIA pilot John Lear, who took part in the delivery of drugs from Central America to the United States. After the agreement and construction of underground bases have been developed and approved by the President of the United States two secret project. In accordance with the project "Redlight" began test flights the pilots on the United States of alien flying objects. The second secret project "Snowberry" was to provide cover for operations on the project "Redlight." To do his, the usual terrestrial technologies have made ​​similar in appearance to the alien aircraft. Initially, the cooperation between the newcomers and the president of the United States went well. American industry began to develop new technologies, and aliens - to carry out their medical tests and experiments over the inhabitants of the earth. But then it turned out that the aliens have deceived Eisenhower. The mutilated corpses of people and numerous dead animals with signs of terrible operations were detected in the different countries of the world, including the United States. U.S. scientists working with the aliens, suspected that the purpose of the experiments was to create a hybrid race, which was later to become dominant on the ground. The order was given to release a large group of strangers trapped people. On the basis of "S-4", an armed clash between the newcomers on the one hand and the protection of databases and special forces - on the other. The consequences were horrifying: the most modern weapons of American soldiers was powerless against the aliens - 60 people were killed.

After the incident, at a meeting of the "MJ-12", well-known American scientist Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, proposed the creation of a Space weapons system to counter space alien invasion. This idea was introduced in the U.S. Senate under the guise of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) - ballistic missile defense available to the USSR. One of the new weapons that were created in the framework of SDI, has a laser weapon. From press reports it can be concluded that the American designers still managed to create a special laser weapon that can attack the UFO. event test its effectiveness dropped in South Africa in 1989. When an unidentified flying object at high speed entered the airspace, Air Force Base were raised two fighters. But in the battle to join them failed. Suddenly aircraft pilots 'Mirage' received command "lights out" and on the "ease" was produced by a volley of laser installation "top 2". He reached the goal. Energy protection UFO was broken. Silver disk quickly lost altitude and crashed in the desert, 80 kilometers from the border with Botswana. From the document, printed on the letterhead of South African Air Force stamped "Top Secret", you can learn about the future of the silver disc.

May 8, 1989 a group of experts who arrived in the desert, found disk with a diameter of about 18 meters and a weight of about 50 tons, crashed into the ground at a sharp angle. If it falls in the sand crater. It was filled with sand, hiding the traces of the fall of UFOs. On a military base, according to U.S. Air Force pilot who took part in the investigation of the incident, there have been some incredible events. At the bottom of the disc suddenly draw the hatch, from which came two humanoid beings growth of about 1.5 meters in tight jumpsuits. Their skin had a bluish tinge, no hair on his head, and his face shone huge slanting eyes. But apparently, the concussion in the fall drive and unusual situation has led to the fact that the aliens soon fell into unconsciousness. Those present on the basis of U.S. intelligence officials quickly loaded the aliens on a military helicopter and quickly taken to an unknown destination. ***

According to Cooper, Eisenhower was the last American president who have expertise in the problem of aliens. All subsequent presidents were only using the information and make decisions that are supplied to them by their desire committee leaders CIA MJ. At the end of his report UFO makes the following conclusions. Executives Committee MJ believe that because of ignorance of the inhabitants of the Earth the only way to save humanity is the taking of alien allies who themselves are struggling for survival. However, such actions are wrong and need immediate correction, otherwise there will be partial, and, probably, and complete enslavement of humanity. To avoid this, you must fully disclose all the facts of secret agreements between the newcomers and the presidents of the United States. Then, no matter what happens, the inhabitants of the earth will be able to decide for themselves what they should do, and, therefore, they have no one to blame. "Today - wrote William Cooper - a handful of people decide our fate. We are like sheep lead to the slaughter! "


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