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Planet Nemesis - The death star in the solar system

Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf star or brown dwarf, originally postulated in 1984 to be orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 1.5 light-years, somewhat beyond the Oort cloud.

Researchers argue that "Nemesis" exceeds the size of Jupiter five times and is not amenable to visual observation. Feature of this planet is that it passes through the Oort cloud, a hypothetical area of the solar system, which is the source of comets and asteroids. NASA scientists have calculated the location and calculate the orbit of an unseen planet whose existence was predicted earlier by a number of leading physicists. Brown dwarf can not be visually monitored.

This planet is dubbed Nemesis after the Greek goddess of retribution. It moves around the sun in an concentric orbit. Scientists expect confirmation of their theoretical conclusions about the existence of Nemesis. Nemesis moves in an unusual trajectory. Planet passes through the famous Oort cloud, which is a cluster of comets and asteroids. That's gravitational field Nemesis directed toward Earth stream of meteors, comets and asteroids. NASA does not exclude the possibility that global catastrophes that occur on Earth and its impact on the biosphere may be caused by the actions of Nemesis. Modern science calls "brown dwarfs "sub-stellar celestial objects that are not radiation and therefore can not be detected visually.

In 1976 American researcher Zecharia Sitchin published a book "The 12th Planet". Who conjectured the wandering planets in the solar system. In his popular science books of Zecharia Sitchin claims that Nibiru is described in the Sumerian texts as the 12th planet, and its symbol is the winged disk, which is found in the mythology of many peoples of the ancient East. He alleged that the Sumerians referred to the fact that this planet is inhabited by highly intelligent beings, which the Sumerians called the Anunnaki. This planet moves in an elongated orbit and passes between Mars and Jupiter every 3,600 years.


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