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The Death Valley in Russia

The Death Valley in Kamchatka, Russia became known in the 1930's, when hunters who have lost their dogs stumbled upon their corpses in the upper Geyser at the foot of the volcano Kikhpinych. In addition to the dead dog on a plot of approximately about 2 kilometers in length and 300 meters in wide were numerous half-decayed carcasses of other animals and birds. The hunters then quickly left this sinister place. Attracted by rumors of such an unusual place to Kamchatka moved amateur expedition. Many of them, unfortunately, ended tragically. Dozens of researchers and enthusiasts died trying to unravel the mystery of the Death Valley.

In 1982, scientists were able to establish that the volcanic gases in Death Valley contained highly toxic cyanide compounds, which are the caused in some cases almost instantaneous death of animals and birds. But is some cases too, these toxic compounds are relatively small, and large animals, such as bears and wolverine, would have time to leave the hazardous area. Struck by the fact that, having tasted the meat of the animal, who was killed in the valley, almost immediately died is very healthy bear.

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