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Mars rover found coin on Mars

Photo object is very similar to a coin.
NASA does not give a miss extraterrestrial archaeologists, laying on its website pictures from Mars taken in 2009 sent by Mars rover SPIRIT. One has managed to see a round object with a diameter of about 3 inches, very similar to our coin. On a zoom scale something resemble a face, looked like a woman's head and if the photo is reversed, it will seem alien head. Original image can be found on the official website of NASA (page source does not imply specific NASA web address). And a little earlier enthusiasts were at the location of the research robot SPIRIT skulls, bones and figurines. What gave them the right to assume? The robot landed on the Martian ancient cemetery. Way next to a coin is another, a rectangular object like a brick or tile.

Note: Some photos has been deleted from page source so cant post more elaborated views.

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