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Phrases you should know when traveling to a foreign country

Visiting a foreign country can be just as frightening as it is an exciting adventure. Even though you get the experience the wonder of immersing yourself in a previously unfamiliar culture, you also have to experience the downsides. Nobody wants to perpetuate the Ugly American stereotype by not knowing the basics.

If you aren't fluent in a country's native language, you will struggle quite a bit. For this reason, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with at least some basic phrases. You should know these phrases inside and out because you may not have time to look it up in a phrase book while you're out and about. Memorize the following types of phrases and you'll be sure to have a great trip.

The Pleasantries

Being polite can go a long way in getting people to help you. Phrases like hello, goodbye, yes and no are essential. Anytime somebody helps you, "thank you" and "please" can ensure that you get the best service. Rem

The Essential Questions

Certain questions are sure to be on the lips of many tourists all over the world. If you ever get lost, you'll need to know how to say "where is this location?" as well as "how far?" Other vital questions you must know are "how much does this cost?" and "what time is it?" The answers will definitely come in handy.

The Numbers

More than likely, you will need to deal with money while you are traveling. If you aren't familiar with numbers and currency in that country, people will look to take advantage of you. You could end up spending more money than you needed to spend.

Knowing numbers can also come in handy when dealing with directions. If somebody points you toward 5th Street, you'll want to understand them.

The Locations

While visiting a foreign country, you'll be seeing all sorts of different places, including museums, restaurants and your hotel and knowing how to say those words will save quite a bit of confusion. Imagine not remembering the word for bathroom. It's also a good idea to memorize the words for transportation like airplane, taxi and bus.

The Emergencies

One of the last things that you will want to experience while on your travels is an emergency. However, if an emergency were to happen and you didn't know the words for hospital or police, your dream vacation could turn into a nightmare. If something were to happen to your travel plans, you might also need to know how to ask for directions to the travel agency.

The English Speakers

Do you speak English? I don't speak your language.

Such simple words, but they can save you a lot of time and frustration. At times, finding somebody who understands your language is the only way to get your point across.

The Introductions

On your travels, you'll meet countless amazing individuals. You'll want to at least be able to introduce yourself to them. Try learning the following phrases:

"Hello my name is...,"

"What is your name?"

"Where are you from?"

"I am from..."

Your trip will be so much more fun when you know these phrases.

Whether you have already booked your trip to another country or are thinking about traveling to a country where English is not their native language, be sure to familiarize yourself with common phrases that will certainly come in handy when the time comes.


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