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On our moon is someone else

Strange things are happening on our moon BOOK Vanished In 1977, the UK published a book of a certain J. Leonard with a sensational title: "On our moon is someone else" and subtitled "discover the amazing facts of intelligent life on the moon." Who is hiding under the pseudonym J. Leonard? Unknown. In any case, a well-informed man, who managed to gain access to extensive, including a top-secret information. Thirty-five photos, each of which is accompanied by a code number by NASA, dozens of detailed sketches made, according to the author, with high-quality large-format photographs by NASA, is published in this book, the statements of experts and an extensive bibliography leads the reader to a stunning conclusion: NASA and many scholars of world name for many years knew that the moon was discovered with signs of intelligent life! What is this? Misinformation? Could be. But then the amazing reaction to the publication of the book. There is no known rebuttals or comments, nor any discussion. If the pictures is fake, then surprised the audacity author, who leads in the application address NASA, where you can get copies of them. It is possible that NASA itself organized a leak. Here, for example, the hypothesis of the J. Leonard, "I'm beginning to think that NASA in these photos with the position:" There they are. If you - the public and the scientific community - not too interested or are blind to see these strange, that's your problem. We have also budgeted no money for your education. We barely have enough for their own needs. "

Generally, in the story of many countries. example, the entire print run almost immediately disappeared from store shelves. attempt to extend the second edition had the same result. accidentally left are exported abroad, including in Russia, isolated instances. So what about the book almost no one knows. Around the same fate of other books on the subject, including "Alien base on the moon" Fred Steklinga. Find them on sale almost impossible. Space does not permit to elaborate on all riddles and versions set out by the authors, acquaint the reader with only a few facts.

MYSTERIOUS LIGHT OF THE MOON "Wow! - Could not contain his amazement astronaut Harrison Schmitt, lunar module pilot, "Apollo 17" is already on the first turn around the moon - I just saw a flash on the lunar surface! The next day, during the fourteenth orbit around the moon, it was the turn surprised the other pilot "Apollo! 7" - Ronald Evans: "Well, You know I would never believe I'm right over the edge of the East Sea. Just looked down and with my own eyes I saw a bright flash! " When one of the greatest authorities in the field of physical and geological nature of the moon, Dr. Farouk El-Base, a consultant and assistant to many American astronauts, was asked to comment on these observations, the answer it was quite categorical: "There is no doubt that this is something big: it's not a comet, and it is not a natural origin! " It should be noted that the strange light phenomena on the lunar disk has long been known.


May 3, 1715, in Paris watching a lunar eclipse, astronomer E. Luvill noticed at the western edge of the Moon "any outbreak or instant trembling light beams. These flashes of light were very short-lived and appeared in one and then in another place". One would assume that in the context of the moon observed meteors burning up in the Earth's atmosphere. However, at the same time with E. Luvillem similar outbreak in the same region of the moon observed in the British Isles celebrated E. Halley. It should be explained that the same meteor, burning up to a few kilometers above the Earth, can not be seen against the background of the same area of the moon at the same time in both London and Paris? And in the library of the Royal Astronomical Society holds an array of information about the strange light and fluctuations of the light spots on the moon. For example, astronomers have long attracted by a strange light, intermittent in lunar craters. Particularly common in the craters Plato and Aristarchus. Often moving objects observed in the crisis and the Seas of Tranquility. Thus, in the latter in 1964 saw at least four times as bright or dark spots, they traveled for several hours to tens and even hundreds of kilometers.

September 11, 1967 during a 8-9 Canadian scientists have documented here a dark rectangular spot with purple edges, which was clearly visible as long as the area has gone into the night. And after 13 minutes while moving spots around the crater Sabine, there was a flash of yellow light. The study of the lunar soil at the landing surprised even experts. He was melted and, according to Professor T. Gold, energy, 100 times more powerful than the sun emits. Who was that source - is unknown. Experts believe that he was at a low altitude over the moon. In 1968, NASA published a summary of the puzzling observations on the moon in his "chronological catalog reports of lunar events."

Among the 579 lunar phenomena were: moving luminous objects; colored trench lengthening at 6 km/h, the giant dome, changing its color, large luminous object, the so-called "Maltese Cross", observed November 26, 1956; geometric shapes; endangered craters. The catalog recorded and the speed of movement of the above-mentioned spots in the Sea of Tranquility - from 32 to 80 km/h is one of the most interesting observations recently owned by a Japanese amateur astronomer. Our television has repeatedly scrolls through the video quickly move across the surface of the moon shadow, which he did with the help of a telescope. If it's not a hoax, the size of the shadow (about 20 km in diameter) and the high speed of its movement (for 2 with a shadow passed about 400 km) suggest the high technical level of the object. All these facts made ​​by NASA deliberately and seriously deal with the abnormal phenomena in the companion of the Earth.

In 1972 he set up a special program, which were connected to dozens of experienced "social" observers, armed with telescopes. Each of them has provided NASA with four lunar region, where in the past repeatedly observed lunar phenomena. These oddities devoted numerous articles and symposia. Attempts to explain these anomalies flashes in the eyes of the astronauts who are in contact with cosmic rays into the eye, did not stand criticism. First, the astronauts themselves would never confuse them with dot flashes on the surface of the planet, because cosmic rays cause in the human eye is very characteristic picture. Second, the light phenomena observed on the Moon, not only astronauts, but also the earth, researchers are not subjected to such a "cosmic bombardment." And third, the flash from the cosmic particles are described by astronauts and cosmonauts as instantaneous. The Moon has repeatedly observed long-lasting, even many hours, or periodic flickering glow in the same place. Some believe that flash on the Moon - a consequence of meteorite impacts on the rocks and rock. However, this can be explained only by the occasional short-term and one-off effects, but no longer glow over wide areas. Meteorite hypothesis contradict other facts. In particular, the simultaneous observation in the United States and South Africa of a "comet-like object", held by the lunar disk September 27, 1881. The distance between points of observation was about 12 thousand kilometers. And another interesting fact described by known researcher as planet II in his book, "Fragments of the lunar topography for a more precise knowledge of the lunar surface" (1791). He said that he saw a flash in the center of the moon, which consisted of many small single sparks and promptly moves in a straight line to the north. "When the light rain passed half way, such a flash of light appeared in the South exactly on the same place ...

The second outbreak was exactly the same as the first, it consisted of such small sparks that flashed off in the same direction to the north ... " This unique phenomenon is explained by the fall of meteorites is difficult. most substantiated is "gas" hypothesis. It has been suggested that the formation of the moon is not under the cooled lava flows could get gas, and now they are gradually separated. But spontaneously evolved gases typically have no color or rhythm or, especially shape and size. And the moon is observed and different color and rhythmic shimmer, and clear the configuration. It is not clear why the gases glow spontaneously. It is unlikely that the cause of exposure to gases ultraviolet rays of the sun. After all, short bursts and long luminescence observed when the sun does not illuminate the lunar surface. Hypothesize that the Earth's magnetic tail accelerates the solar particles that bombard the moon, causing flare and luminescence. But in this case, the glow and flash would be observed in random places, and would not be tied to the decades and centuries to 90 specific sites on the Moon. And is it possible, for example, the bright "Diamond Lights", noted in 1948, the year compared with a simple luminescence? Hypothesis of volcanic activity, which resulted in the alleged spewed fire and smoke, contrary to the first modern concept of NASA official, that the Moon is considered to be relatively dead, extinct planet. But that said, for example, "A preliminary report on the flight of spacecraft" Apollo 17. " Experiments of "Apollo", putting aim to establish whether the Moon is a "living" planet, or "dead", show that, compared with the Earth, Moon is seismically quiet. Volcanism and other tectonic activity were rare or absent in the last 2-3 billion years. "One of the major arguments in favor of this view is that the eruption of this magnitude would result in significant changes to the surface of the moon. Yes and the glow of lava is probably difficult to confuse with the observed bright as from electric welding, flashes of light. Moreover, common to volcanic tremors would certainly have been registered with a network of seismographs installed on the moon. However, they were silent, even when the April 25, 1972 Observatory recorded Passau on film in the crater Aristarchus and Herodotus grand "light fountain", which at a rate of 1.35 km/s, reached an altitude of 162 km, has shifted to 60 km and disappeared. OTHER CIVILIZATION ON THE MOON? Scientists are desperate to find a natural cause of lunar phenomena , but so far without much success.

At the same time, there is a rather unexpected point of view on everything. "They (the scientists) - says George Leonard, - neglect (consciously or unconsciously) simple truth consists in the fact that the phenomenon of the moon phenomena associated with the inhabitants of the moon, which carry out their purposeful activity. " What speaks in favor of such a bold hypothesis? Much, very much! For example, strange objects, reminiscent of some mechanisms. Appointment of some devices can speculate on changes in the lunar surface they leave. For example, the edges of some craters are destroyed something that moves them in a spiral (it resembles a giant of our career, where mining is open pit). many craters, especially on the back side of the moon, have a pronounced polygonal form, which does not yet have an explanation.

During a flight around the Moon "Apollo 14" astronauts had made ​​a very interesting picture. This is a clear image of a giant mechanical device, later named "superustroystvom-1971." Two lungs and fishnet (metal?) designs are inside one of the craters. Moreover, not throwing any shade. From their base long stretch cords. According to rough estimates of the size of the device is 1-1.5 miles (1.6-2.4 km). Repeatedly mechanisms are similar to the bucket for the capture of the soil (they were called "T-dippers"). To the east of the Sea Smith, on the back side of the moon around the crater Sanger, there is an area where you can see the results of their work: the device already cleared a huge piece of the central peak and is on the edge, continuing to work. Near rubble heaps. Striking results gives a comparison of three photographs of the same area taken with "Apollo 16" during 50 revolutions around the moon. On the inner slope of the crater at an early photograph recorded the X device. After 2 days in the same place fixed active process of spraying. One can only speculate why these mechanisms are used: the search for raw materials, construction, removal of defects in the crust of the moon, the archaeological problem, extracting the gas to create an artificial atmosphere? Experts estimate that 2.5 tons of rock by a process of recovery can be nearly a ton of oxygen. This stock is enough for 3 years for Earthling! "Is that why they are destroying mountain ranges?" - asks the question, J. Leonard. Very impressive in the pictures look like objects that are moving, leaving behind a trail. NASA them conventionally referred to as "cobblestones". J. Leonard claims that American astronauts examined 34 of the track to the landing area "Apollo 17." trace length ranged from 100 MgO 2.5 km. width reaches up to 16 meters. Most of the objects to which they belonged were 20 - 30% wider than the tracks themselves. Some had an elongated shape and size of the size of the room. How could they roll sometimes almost horizontal surface? And another mysterious fact: of the 34 surveyed, only 8 tracks ended with boulders. As has left other marks? Incidentally, these self-propelled boulders with a clear track recorded on Earth, especially in Death Valley (California), whom we bestow MOON.

In late 60s Soviet researchers M. Vasin and Shcherbakov suggested that the moon is a man-made object, a kind of spaceship that had been transported to Earth, and that beneath the surface, at a depth of tens of kilometers, there is a huge habitable cavity height about 50 km, which has a suitable atmosphere for its inhabitants, technical devices, etc. The Moon's crust is a cavity for many kilometers of containment. add to this another curious detail. Back in the early 60s astronomer Carl Sagan said that special devices under the lunar surface discovered huge caverns, the conditions that may be favorable for life. Some of the tanks up to 100 cubic km. The same conjecture was then Director of the Main Observatory of the USSR in Pulkovo Alexander Deitch. Expeditions American "Apollo" have made ​​the hypothesis the enormous voids inside Earth's natural satellite is even more justified.

In July 1969, during the first moon landing astronauts Neil Armstrong and E. Aldrin found on the surface of a seismograph. Upon returning to the main ship is unnecessary lander was dropped on the lunar surface. It was expected that fluctuations in plutonic rocks caused by the impact, within a few seconds will be recorded and transmitted to Earth seismograph. But there was startling: fluctuations in device fixed in a few hours! calculations have shown that this is possible only if at a depth of 30-40 km there are the huge cavity - they resonate. Exactly the same results were obtained in the subsequent five landings on the moon. Such considerations expressed in the hollowness of his time and of Phobos, the trajectory and speed of which are inexplicable by natural causes. At the time, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR I. Shklovsky advanced version: abnormalities in the trajectory of Phobos can be explained by only one fact - this is an artificial (man-made) object. Other scientists hypothesized that Phobos - a former asteroid, which is set by some cosmic civilizations on Mars orbit, where it is used as a station logistics. And inside Phobos - a hollow, because for many years there is a development of its resources, rich chemical elements. But somehow attention to this hypothesis, gradually died away and broke out again until January 1989, when the The satellite reached Mars - Soviet space probe "Phobos-2." The station has very powerful laser system, which is a height of 50 m was to direct the beam to the surface of the satellite to analyze the gases arising under its influence. However something ( or someone else?) stop the experiment. At the very beginning of the camera on board the vehicle, recorded a strange object that looks like artificial length of about 25 km, which is bearing down on the probe. On Earth, managed to get a few pictures (they even showed on television-union) with the image of this "something" that looks like a giant UFO, after which the connection suddenly disappeared and never resumed. Already it is known that all the flights "Gemini" (1965-1966) and "Apollo" (1968-1975) controlled from afar and near the mysterious flying objects. And, in connection with the mission "Phobos-2" does not recall the mysterious incident that occurred in the American spaceship "Apollo 13." This is how the situation arose when a former employee of NASA's Space Radio Maurice Chatelain: "Apollo 13," which, as is well known, failed to land on the moon, carried a small nuclear device to create artificial moonquakes in order to observe as a result of the explosion seismographs (telemetry from the Earth) infrastructure Moon. Occurred on this ship mysterious explosion that destroyed one of the cylinders of oxygen in the cockpit. Unknown exactly did this "plate", who was watching the ship. This explosion was intended to prevent the experiment with nuclear warheads that could destroy the base of extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon." There is a hypothesis: The Moon - a gigantic spaceship that crashed and forced in ancient times, "park" to Earth to "overhaul". After all, the natural cosmic bodies with their multi-kilometer containment, according to some scholars, the most safe and reliable vehicles for interplanetary movements. This version, unlike the others, explains many of the lunar phenomena. And unusually flat, like a frying pan, the bottom of most multi-kilometer craters. (It seems that a relatively small "soft" outer shell is extremely durable scope.) And the details of some gigantic structures on the surface and in fractures of the moon, and the wreckage of cyclopean mechanisms, and much more. For example, the ability to "repair" the moon through a kind of "cross-linking" the cracked surface. Traces of this "stitching" are clearly visible, particularly in the area of the craters and Bullialdus Lyubinitsky. This hypothesis is also responsible for such a "tricky" questions raised in one of the publications: "What prevented an advanced civilization, has apparently overcome the vast interstellar distances, overcome even some 385 thousand km and settle on a paradise planet Earth? " But "paradise" Earth is for us. And what a strange, maybe even life-threatening, the earth's atmosphere to newcomers? And why throw inhabited by generations of lunar "home", laboratories, factories ...? And finally, I would like to bring amazing words of Neil Armstrong. And although he later give them up, but his negotiations have heard a lot of American radio. Armstrong: "What is it? What the hell's the matter? I would like to know the truth, what is it?" NASA: "What's going on? Anything not in order? " Armstrong: "There are great facilities, sir! Huge! Oh, God! There are other space ships! They stand on the other side of the crater! Are on the Moon and watch over us!" Our generation is satisfied that that at no time can be destroyed by the immutable, it would seem, the postulates, and gradually unlearn categorical judgments. Although at times we continue presumptuous and arrogant ridicule that does not fit into our habitual terrestrial measurements. But it is possible that some events may be beyond our limited consciousness. Why should we, for example, to exclude the possibility that life itself can take the form of self-moving boulders, clouds or fog? Why can not we assume the existence of intelligence in the form of clean energy? After all, theoretically there is no limit of its forms! Is the moon so completely new to the phenomenon of consciousness, according to J. Leonard. And the analysis of lunar phenomena, he says, we have to change our way of thinking, of escaping everyday perception.


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