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The secret war in Antarctica

Wiki Leaks revealed alleged compromised Department of Defense cable communications indicating that US armed forces may be in the midst of a secret war with the unknown flying objects (UFO).

According to the sources that were revealed, there was an all out alert issued by Air Force Space Command after the emergence of a large flotilla of airborne unidentified objects from the floor of the Southern Seas of the Antarctic. This armada of unknown objects headed toward Guadalajara, Mexico.

Recently, another massive emergence of the unknown objects headed toward the southern tip of South America and flew over Chile. Experts say that the immediate threat posed by these huge displays of large numbers as they launch from beneath the waters is the dangerous wave they generate that is capable of sinking ocean traffic such as freighters and other vessels. In the most recent appearance of the UFO armada from the antarctic Southern Ocean, one cruise ship was nearly capsized with 160 aboard while another vessel was overturned with a crew of 60 with only 20 rescued survivors.

This story was originally released by the European Times Online which had reported that the Russian president was receiving intelligence briefings indicating that the US was involved in secret military confrontations with massive UFO formations originating from underwater bases in and around the antarctic oceans.

According to John Kettler, who has written a series of articles claiming that the US Navy along with its allies are battling hostile extraterrestrials based in underwater locations in the Pacific.

The UFO war continues to expand, with heavy action in the Antarctic Ocean, according to highly sensitive sources. Two submarines of the Chinese PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy) have been slammed together.

Kettler goes on to claim:

Last night, 20 UFOs, traveling at 25,000 mph, left the Antarctic Ocean in a group and went to Guadalajara, Mexico. Another group of 15, flying at the same speed, went to Argentina. This morning, 12 more emerged and went to Chile.

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