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Believe In Mermaid

In 1493 while sailing off the coast of Hispaniola, Christopher Columbus reported seeing three "female forms" which "rose high out of the sea, but were not as beautiful as they are represented". The logbook of Blackbeard, an English pirate, records that he instructed his crew on several voyages to steer away from charted waters which he called "enchanted" for fear of merfolk or mermaids, which Blackbeard and members of his crew reported seeing. Two sightings were reported in Canada near Vancouver and Victoria—one from sometime between 1870 and 1890, the other from 1967.

During World War II in 1943, Japanese soldiers witnessed several mermaids on the shores of the Kei Islands. They reported seeing creatures swimming in the water and one sighting on the beach which had pink skin and spikes along their head. These creatures reportedly were about 150 centimeters tall and had limbs and faces that were similar to that of a human but a mouth like a carp. The locals called them Orang Ikan, which means "fish man" in Malay. Several of these sightings occurred and were reported to Sergeant Taro Horiba, who asked the locals about it and learned that they sometimes got caught in the nets. The locals promised to send word to the Sergeant next time one was caught. Eventually, one of the creatures was found dead on the shore and the Sergeant was allowed to examine it. Being convinced, he returned to Japan and tried to convince scientists to go study them but he was never believed.

In August 2009, after dozens of people reported seeing a mermaid leaping out of the water and doing aerial tricks, the Israeli coastal town of Kiryat Yam offered a $1 million award for proof of the mermaid. In February 2012, work on two reservoirs near Gokwe and Mutare in Zimbabwe stopped when workers refused to continue, stating that mermaids had hounded them away from the sites. It was reported by Samuel Sipepa Nkomo, the water resources minister.

On January 9, 2013, during an episode of Mistero broadcast by Italia 1, images were shown of a purported mermaid's corpse on a Sri Lankan beach.

Mermaids have been with us for thousands of years, proofs were recorded by the Babylonians back to 2000 BC and still seen today in small Irish coastal villages.

We have never yet discover 97% of our oceans, so we can not conclude this creatures did not exist, we can see them in Egypt depicted in walls swim together with whales and fish and fighting with humans.

In 2007 Animal Planet aired a science-fiction documentary on the body found off the coast of South Africa of what is thought to be a mermaid. But unfortunately their source website were seized by the government, if it were fictional then why seized?

Watch the full documentary, a must see:


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