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The world map from the perspective of our ancestors

Have you seen the old map like this before? Its a 1482 world map, take a look on what was missing there. Its the American continent, right? This map was mapped before the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

When America was colonized by Europe which begun on 1492 until 1898 and some until today to mentioned few including Greenland by Denmark and French Guiana by France. They now created our modern world map to some point of accuracy.

Airplane was invented in 1903 by Wright brother Orville and Wilbur and the weather ballons in 1783 by Jean Fracois. The question is, how did they did this map without aerial views. It is pretty impressive and I really love their works.

The photo below is a 1570 world map. Can you imagine how they did that? That closely resemble our present map.

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