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The effects of global warming

Scientists have made ​​predictions of global disasters that await our planet during the 21st century. The future of the Earth is in the darkest colors. Nearest of them threatens us June on 21, 2008, when HZ51 a 800-meter diameter asteroid thought to collide Earth. If that happens, it will repeat the event that 65 million years ago led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Likelihood of this disaster is estimated to be one of six million, but the exact trajectory of the asteroid yet calculated, so that the figure may change. The greatest concern is the fact that before the "X hours" it is only about a year in which during this time it is impossible to organize an expedition to the style of the movie "Armageddon" to destroy the asteroid, or at least change its trajectory.

Meanwhile, astronomers predicted in late 2011 bumper year is expected to peak in solar activity. And such that it will significantly affect the operation of electrical and navigation systems on Earth, as well as the health of people. Undesirable will also lie in the sun, so that together with the tan does not get skin cancer. Two particularly strong burst of solar activity, according to their forecasts, it is expected between October 2011 and August 2012. "Today, we are talking about relative terms, but after 6-12 months will be more accurate to say" - promises anxiously at the Center for the study of cosmic phenomena Colorado Douglas Bese. "Then our overheated light may even explode." says the expert of the European Space Agency, the Dutch astrophysicist Piers van der Meer. According to him, the temperature of the solar core for the last 11 years has almost doubled. And he is very similar to the changes occurring in the stars before the supernova explosion. Disaster, he said, could break out in 2013.

In the meantime, the forthcoming jerk of the sun warms our planet - and that's it, and not the greenhouse effect, to blame for global warming. However, the death of the sun projected earlier, but it has so far stubbornly unwilling to explode. So do not panic. But the effects of global warming is not a theory but a reality. We already feel them as abnormal vagaries of the weather, but this is only the beginning. In the next few years, the average global temperature could rise, according to various estimates, 2-11 degrees.


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