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Operation High Jump Antartica 1947

Operation "High Jump" was disguised as an ordinary scientific research expedition, and not all guessed that went to the shores of Antarctica powerful naval fleet. The aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, 25 aircraft and helicopters, more than four thousand people, the semi-margin products - the data speak for themselves. ... Everything seemed to be going according to plan in the month, was 49,000 photographs. And then something happened, as the official U.S. government silent until now.

March 3, 1947 has just started an expedition quickly turned and hurried ships headed home. A year later, in May 1948, in the pages of the journal of the European "Brizant" surfaced some details. It has been reported that the expedition encountered stiff enemy resistance. Have been lost at least one ship, dozens of people, four combat aircraft, a further nine aircraft had to leave as unfit for use. The fact that it happened is anyone's guess. We do not have the original documents, but if you believe the press, ventured to the memories of the members of the crew were talking about "emerges out of the water" and attacked them "flying discs", the strange atmospheric phenomenon that causes mental disorders. Journalists is an excerpt from the report of R. Byrd, allegedly made ​​at a secret meeting of the Special Commission: "The United States must take protective action against enemy fighters engaged on departures from the polar regions. In the case of a new war, America may be subject to attack an enemy, having the ability to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed! " ... Almost ten years later, Admiral Byrd led the new polar expedition, which died in mysterious circumstances.

After his death appeared in the press information, ostensibly from the diary of the admiral. They imply that during an airplane expedition in 1947, which he flew out to explore, strange force forced them to land the aircraft, "similar to the British soldier's helmet." Approached the Admiral the tall blue-eyed blonde, whom in broken English gave an appeal to the U.S. government and demanding an end to nuclear testing.

Some sources claim that after the meeting between Nazi colony in Antarctica and the U.S. government signed an agreement on the exchange of German advanced technology for the U.S. raw materials. Some researchers believe that the German base in Antarctica is still preserved. Moreover, there is talk about the existence of a subterranean city called "New Berlin" with a population of two million people. The main occupation of its inhabitants are genetic engineering and space travel. However, no one has yet presented the direct evidence to support this version.

The main argument of those who doubt the presence of the polar base, is the difficulty of shipping back the huge amount of fuel needed to generate electricity. The argument seriously, but too traditional, and he objected: if you created the cooler converters, the need for fuel is minimal. An indirect confirmation of the existence of the base is called the repeated sightings in the South Pole. Often seen hovering in the air, "plate" and "cigar".

In 1976, using the latest equipment a Japanese researchers detected simultaneously nineteen round objects that are "dove" from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. Chronicle periodically throws food for talk on German UFOs.

Here are just two typical message. November 5, 1957 in the state of Nebraska USA, late at night, a businessman, buyer of grain Raymond Schmidt told a story that happened to him outside the city to Kerney the sheriff of the city. The car that he was driving suddenly stalled and stopped on the Boston highway of San Francisco. When he came out of it to see what was happening, he noticed just off the road in a forest glade huge "metal cigar." Directly in front of him on the platform the door opened and brought forward a man in casual clothes. In excellent German a stranger offered him to go to the ship. Inside the businessman saw two men and two women in quite normal appearance, but moved around in an unusual way as if they are gliding across the floor. Remained in the memory of Schmidt some glowing tubes filled with colored liquid. Approximately half an hour later he was asked to leave, the cigar then silently rose into the air and disappeared into the forest.

November 6, 1957 in Dante (near Knoxville) of the state of Tennessee USA. At half past six in the morning an elongated object "of indeterminate color" landed in a field a hundred meters from the Clark family home. Twelve-year-Everett Clark, was walking her dog at the time, said that two men and two women came out of the machine, they said among themselves, "as if the German soldiers from the movie." Clark and her other neighborhood threw a desperate barking dogs. The strangers at first unsuccessfully tried to catch one of the dogs ran up to them, and then left their venture, some dogs were held in the facility, and the unit flew silently.

Reporter Carson Brewer of Knoxville newspaper news that "News-Sentinel" found this place on the flattened grass area of 7.5 by 1.5 meters. Naturally, many researchers have a desire to take responsibility for such cases to the Germans. "It seems that some of the ships that we see today are no more than a further development of the technology of the German drive. Thus, in fact, may be the case that we periodically visit the Germans" (D Stevens).

Are they connected with the aliens? Today, there communication information in which, however, should always be treated with caution that such a link exists. It is believed that a contact with the civilization of the constellation of the Pleiades took a long time, even before the Second World War, and has had a significant impact on the scientific and technical development of the third Reich.

Until the end of the war the Nazi leaders were hoping for a direct military assistance to the alien, but it never got. Contactee Randy Winters from Miami USA said that there are currently spaceport's of the alien civilizations of the Pleiades in the Amazon jungle. He says, and that after the war, the aliens have taken the service of some of the Germans. Since then, there has grown up a minimum of two generations of Germans who went to school with children of aliens and interact with them from an early age. Today they travel, work and live aboard extraterrestrial spacecraft. And they do not have the desire to rule over the planet who were their fathers and grandfathers, because, knowing the depths of space, they realized that there are things far more important.

At the end of the 1980s, from the film "UFOs and the 3rd Reich", additional information were provided about what happened during the expedition "High Jump". The Germans were allegedly able to build a "flying saucer" and used it to their advantage. Back in 1939, began a top-secret test flights of the new "vehicles". One of these "plates" was equipped with additional rocket boosters, which led it to crash in Norway in the winter of 1940. "

For further information, watch this documentary.


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