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Iron Man 3 Trailer - Astonishing Version

A $200 million Hollywood movie is now coming to theater this summer and it is one of the most awaited film this year. Have you seen its trailer? It is breath-taking that you really wanted it to watch immediately. The high-tech special effects, the story and the action packed in it.

But don't you know there is another version of that Iron Man 3 trailer? A Thai version imitated by FEDFE. It is now becoming viral in the social network like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. It has been upload just two days ago in Youtube and has been viewed near half a million.

This FEDFE is a Thai boyband comedy group. How they had replicated the multimillion dollar movie trailer, replacing all those high-tech special effects into just styrofoam, cardboard, crayons, toys and painted suit. Well watch this and you'll be enjoyed:

Here is the original trailer to compare with:

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