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Fatima Miracle was an Alien Program

Many experts believe that in 1917 Fatima miracle, tens of thousands of people watched the phenomenon of Our Lady, and the UFO behind. This year marks 95 years of the so-called miracle of Fatima - events which the Catholic Church considers almost the most awesome for the whole of the 20th century. In their classical interpretation, the Holy Virgin Mary, since May 1917 had several times descended from heaven to earth and talked to people. Now the in place of the phenomenon of "Our Lady" in the Portuguese village of Fatima, located 150 kilometers from Lisbon, come daily for several thousands of pilgrims.

Three children, Lucia 10 years old, her cousin Francisco 9 years old cousin, and 7 years old Jacinta were first beheld the miracle, and later claimed that it had seen the Virgin Mary. They were echoed by other witnesses, describing also the "Angels." Researchers have carefully studied their testimony. We came to the conclusion that they are almost indistinguishable from the stories of those who today saw a UFO and aliens. First visit Portuguese scientists have raised the archives of local newspapers, and it turned out: another two years before the well-known events of Fatima, in April 1915, Lucia told the parents that she saw "a man without a head and arms, wrapped in a blanket." Three other children later clarified that it was "man flying in the air without a head and dressed in white." But the church does not link this meeting with the miracle of Fatima.

During the next twelve months, Lucia, Jacinta, Francisco and other cowherd five more times seen the emergence of a "very beautiful" creatures. Once they noticed the "veil" with a human figure inside. On another occasion, felt a strong gust of wind and saw him pale flowing to the light. Inside the glow was someone "young and beautiful." So it was three times. Although the creature did not give any hint who he is, the kids thought it was flying angel.

And here's the "Mary" May 13, 1917 Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta saw flashes of light coming from the valley of Cova da Iria, and ran to see what was that. In the valley of all shined. There hung a bright ball. A whacked on the beam seemed to be focused on the female figure, standing on the branches of a tree. She looked far from it, as it is today to portray the Virgin Mary statues, flooded Fatima. In her first interview with the guys told reporters that they saw a very beautiful woman with black eyes, the growth about only one meter and was dressed in white. On his head was a woman something, closes his ears and hair on the neck - a necklace, and at the waist - a glowing ball. It occurs instantly, as if dropped from the sky, but gradually disappeared, as if it washed. The woman's face was completely motionless, her lips did not move as she spoke. The only part of the body, where it moved a little, were her hands. According to Lucia, "she shone brighter than the sun, radiating a sparkling light that is cleaner and more saturated with water reflections filled with shiny crystal pierced by the rays of the bright sun." The woman spoke with the children, telling them to come back here the 13th of the following month at 11 am. "In October, I'll tell you who I am and what I want," she added. When Lucia asked the woman where she belongs, she "showed up at the sky, saying she was there."

Cloud buzz on June 13 with the children came 60 people, hoping to see the stranger with their own eyes. There was no doubt, if the children are telling the truth, it is none other than the Virgin Mary herself. At this time, although the woman, according to the children, there was, as promised, and they saw it, she spoke with Lucia.

Most of the pilgrims heard something like a buzz of bees or operating an electric generator, the characteristic sounds when suspended UFO, stress ufologists. Many saw a strange cloud or fog out there, where there was a "virgin", felt the drop in temperature and a decrease of light, as if something had prevented the fall of the sun . A cloud departed, moving against the wind. "When it leaves the tree, there was a sound like the roar of the machine kicks off in the distance - recalls the witness Maria de Chapel.

Lucia instantly jumped up, and with outstretched hands shouted, "Look, there she goes! Here it goes! "But people have seen nothing but a small cloud, rising from trees and retreating slowly to the east, until it was gone from sight. Growing number of eyewitnesses July 13, 1917 in the Cova da Iria gathered about 5,000 people. Recently, it became more noticeable, some people are shivering.

"Virgin" again gave instructions to Lucia come exactly a month later, recalling that in October it will "show a great miracle, and everyone will believe." Few people know that in addition to three children who saw the "woman" and recognized by the church, there were other two. Carolina Correira, which in 1917 was 12, she saw the "woman" out of hours July 28 together with another boy.

August 13 the authorities banned the children to come to the Cova da Iria, trapping them in any case in a local prison. Nevertheless, in the vicinity of Fatima have gathered 20,000 people. It was assumed that no children will not be any events, but made ​​a mistake. There was a roar in the sky flashed a flash of light. Then it changed color. The sky began to pink, blue and yellow, the earth shone with all the colors of the rainbow. It became colder and darker, like an eclipse had occurred. Over the place where before there is a "virgin", again a strange cloud. It then sat for ten minutes, it rose into the sky, where the summers, "something like a ball of light." Then showered "Falling Flowers", some whitish fibers that melt before they reach the ground. In this UFO phenomenon is known as "angel hair", sometimes they fall out of the sky after passing UFO.

August 19, after the child was released from prison, "Virgin" appeared to them on the branches of a tree in Valinose, two kilometers from the Cova da Iria. Once again promised miracle on October 13, and slowly walked away towards the east with the rumbling roar. Changing the light at this time seen in the most Fatima: the sun turned yellow first, then start multi-color. Believers and non-believers on September 13 in the Cova da Iria crowd already in 30,000. Among them were many skeptics, including priests, who believed that people prone to self-suggestion embraced mass hysteria. And the children were in hallucinations or cheating. Skeptical observers stood at a distance, not wanting to mingle with the crowd of believers. But they saw the same thing, a ball of fire hovering over a tree, multi-colored clouds, cold and dark. Seminarian Joel Magno saw "an oval object that looks like an egg, but the broader" sharp end facing down. Reverend John of England, recalled: "To my surprise, quite clearly, I saw a blinding ball of light moving from east to west, slowly gliding through the air. My friend also saw it all. Suddenly, the ball disappeared from our sight."

If it were not to know that it is a "fiery chariot of the Virgin", it can be easy to assume that this is an excerpt from a story about the latest UFO sightings. Joao Kuarezma priest, who later became the chief vicar of Leiria - parish to which Fatima, recalled: "With great surprise, distinctly and clearly saw it moving from east to west glowing ball ... Suddenly he disappeared along with his unusual glow. Nearby was a girl dressed as Lucia, and about the same age. She joyfully shouted: "I still see him, I can still see! .. Here he falls ... " When the vision ended, the sky rained large "petals" which, contrary to the laws of perspective, as we approach became less and less.

Lucia saw again the same thing in a bowl. Between them again a dialogue. Then glittering ball up and disappeared "in the Sun." UFO dives into the crowd on October 13 to see a miracle gathered 70,000 people. And everyone saw how children with a white cloud enveloped the contact. Then rose to a height of 6 meters and vanished. This was repeated three times. But it was only a prelude. Suddenly irruptive rain stopped just as abruptly. Heavy clouds parted. And there was the "sun" - a sparkling drive, which is rapidly rotated around its axis and the "multi-colored rays scattered in all directions." The object was high in the sky near the zenith, while the Sun is present at the time was less than 45 degrees above the horizon in the south side of the sky (azimuth 173 °). Nearby in the car was a professor of the University of Coimbra Almeida Garrett, who presented the phenomenon as follows: "I turned around and saw the" sun "in the form of a clearly defined disk without tiring the eyes. I've heard both in Fatima was described as a dull silver. No, the color was brighter, livelier, richer, with shimmering like a pearl. ... "The Sun" was not spherical, like the moon, the moon did not have any shade. It looked like a flattened disk polished, as if carved out of mother of pearl. This is not cheap compared to the poetic style: so he saw my eyes ... It was clear-cut, with an edge to stand out as the edge of the chessboard ... Mother of pearl dial like mad on the move. There were not only brilliant flashes: it revolved around a rampant pace ... Suddenly, the crowd began to shout painfully. Continuously rotating "sun", becoming a blood-red stone rushed to the ground, threatening to crush all his fiery mass. The experiences in these moments were indescribable ... " 12-year-old Albano Barros, who was in a field near Mindo, 12 kilometers from Fatima, was blissfully amazed to see falling to the ground glowing disc, "I can not even remember if chased I was home the sheep, or run away, or anything else to do. " Other, sobbing, and went home. One woman said many years later: "Even today, whenever the lightning flashes, I remember what ww saw and scared." Another witness, who was away from the scene, was a schoolboy Joachim Lorenzo. During the miracle he and his brother was at a distance of 15 kilometers, the village Alburitel: "I have carefully looked at the" sun ", which seemed pale and did not burn my eyes. It feels like a snowball, it was rotating on its axis. Then he suddenly began to fall zigzags. Terrified, I ran to the people who mourned in anticipation of the end of the world at any time. It was a crowd that had gathered around our village school. We all left the class and ran into the street when we heard the screams and cries of astonishment men and women who were there when the miracle began ... For a long moment the objects around us all colors of the rainbow. When people realized that the danger had passed, their jubilation swept. " In this miracles at Fatima ended, "Virgin" no longer appear.


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